A traveblog from Mexico

Friday, January 23, 2009

San Crisobal de las Casas

So the ejectivo bus is the phattest thing evah. So before you even board the bus you have your own waiting area, away from the scum of society who are only going first class, the peons. In there you have a water cooler, with nescafe, tea, all free. Then you board the bus and the attendant lets you pick your drink (apple soda was better than I expected.) In your boarding kit is an eye shade, ear plugs, moist towelette and ear phone, for enjoying the evening´s family friendly film. (Some cliche beach movie with Meadow Sporano and Amanda Bynes, I understood 2 percent of the spanihsh dubbing and 100 percent of the movie). The seats (3 per row) recline to nearly vertical, with a pull down leg rest, blanet and pillow. If they had these in the US I´d never fly anywhere less than 10 hours away. Awesome.

Awoke just outside San Cristobal, and this place is as charming a town I can remember staying in. (That is the cathedral here in yellow in the photos at top). Nestled high in the cloud draped mountains of Chiapas, it´s a town of pretty churches and museum, however, it´s just a place where street after street are filled with lovely, charming, brighly colored houses with spanish tile roofs. A bit cold at night, but always pleasant in the sun (as seems to often be the case in Mexico so far). I climbed to the top of a hill overlooking the town, and otherwise just fittered the day away with coffee breaks, photo ops taken, and a hunt for a post office*.

Tomorrow I plan to visit some indigenous villages around the town, and from there I am still trying to decide whether to stay around here or push on to the ruins at Palenque.

I am planning another post soon, but I need the cord from my camera to make it effective, so please check in again soon.

*Send me an email with your address if you want a postcard!

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